Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Fourth of July should remind us of important truths

The Founding Fathers of the United States of America wanted to separate from a king and an empire that saw their collection of colonies as little more than a cash cow. Financial survival motivated much of the progress toward the Revolutionary War. The young country that emerged from the fighting, however, was not simply another Great Britain; it was something the world had never seen before.

For the first time, an ideology of equality formed the basis of government. The Constitution, crafted to govern this new enterprise, honored the rights of the people and made them, with their elected representatives, equally responsible for governance; with shared sovereignty came true freedom.

As we prepare to celebrate the 241st birthday of this grand experiment, there is not an inhabitant of the USA who hasn’t understood when the system fails, and where problems need repair. It is hard, at times, to see Americas potential, but where it cannot be seen, it must be envisioned. The Fourth of July is perfect time to do just that by experiencing our community and reminding ourselves that each one of us, regardless of origin and personal identity, are equally important to the cause of this unique nation.

On July 4th, join your neighbors at one of many celebrations in the Greater Tri-City area - many listed in It’s A Date and additional articles in this issue of Tri-City Voice - to wish the United States of America, Happy Birthday!

2017 Events...

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